Lifehouse International Church Yokohama

 ¿Qué ver en Lifehouse international church yokohama, Prefectura de kanagawa?

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The Lifehouse International Church Yokohama is located in the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan. They offer Sunday services in both English and Japanese at 9am, 11am, and 1pm. There is no admission fee for attending their services, but they do accept donations. Their official website is

In the surrounding area, there are a variety of attractions to visit. The Yokohama Landmark Tower, which has an observation deck with stunning views of the city, is open from 10am to 8pm. The Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which is a popular shopping and dining spot, is open from 11am to 8pm. The Cup Noodle Museum, where visitors can learn about the history of instant noodles and even make their own cup noodles, is open from 10am to 6pm.

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